Wednesday, September 30, 2009


The Most Reverend Elizabeth Rowen-Leigh, Archbishop-elect of Jamestown and Primate of the Anglican Church of Lambda addressed the General Convention of the Church.

Archbishop-elect Rowen-Leigh and her coadjutor, Archbishop-elect Mark Upson-Downey, will be consecrated to episcopal dignity in Apostolic Succession later in the month of October, 2009. Many Anglican and autocephalous Catholic groups outside Rome have expressed a willingness to consecrate the bishops, and help ordain or regularise their deacons and priests.

Archbishop-elect Rowen-Leigh was born, raised and educated in the United States of America. This portion of her address speaks to the plight of Lambda dual nationals and other GLBT Americans and others who are suffering under Right Wing Theocratic Religionists who pose as "Christians" with the complicity of those GLBT persons who are the victims of spiritual violence and have become totally antithetical to their former beliefs. Her address included these thoughts:

My paternal grandmother's favourite saying was: " A person's vices are the overextension of their virtues." This reality was understood by me, then her ten year old granddaughter, rather easily. The seven deadly sins and the seven cardinal virtues were two sides of the same thoughts. " Thoughts are things, Elizabeth" , she would admonish me. Now in the middle of my fifth decade in this life experiment, I understand it all too well.
My Christian faith, whether Protestant or Catholic, or I am theologically....speaks to the freedom of conscience from both perspectives. It speaks to love and compassion, the Golden Rule. It speaks to social justice, and to see everyone as having the soul divinity within them. It speaks to seeing Christ Himself in everyone you meet, regardless of their earthly circumstances. The earliest Christian communities - the five first Jerusalem, in Antioch, in Constantinople, in Alexandria, and eventually, in Rome - were developed on a communal module. Christians bartered among one another for their temporal needs. The temporal meal mirrored the Eucharistic feast. It spoke to eternal love and sharing.
How, therefore, were the scriptures of communal sharing transmogrified into the scripture of greed and the virtue of selfishness? Why was Ayn Rand and her ilk able to hijack the Christian message of compassion? The answers are complex and simultaneously, not complicated.
First of all, the faith of a humble carpenter, and discipled principally by fishermen, and common labourers, became the state religion of Roman Emperor Constantine. With official establishment came more than the end of murderous persecution. With it, came wealth, power and prestige of office. Simple vestments of the catacombs became threads of gold and silver and precious gems. Simple cups became ornate chalices....and the dark, dank and malodorous catacombs became ornate Roman and later Gothic cathedrals, wafting with the odour of fragrant incense mixtures.
The people of Word and Sacrament became hierarchical and theocratic quite quickly. The Church of Rome became a temporal power, and informed the Western Church for a millenium and a half. Greek or Byzantine Orthodox Christianity was temporally overthrown by Islam in the seventh century, and has lived within that tent for that same period. The Patriarch of Constantinople lives in Istanbul at his monastery called the Phanar. He is by law a Turkish citizen from the Greek community there. The Roman Pontiffs ruled most of Italy as the Papal States until 1870, and the Lateran Treaty of 1929 by the fascist Mussolini, created the Vatican City State.
The Eastern Churches have had their schisms. A schism is breaking a political or social bond, but not a serious theological breach. The Western Church, however, had so corrupted the Carpenter's message that a Reformation occurred first rather starkly in Geneva, and later in Germany and the Low Countries and Scandanavia with Luther, and the most compromisory between Catholicism and Calvinism...the English Reformation of the Anglican experience. The seventeenth and eighteenth century produced the Enlightenment, that initially informed the Deistic and Unitarian/Universalist founders of the United States.
The Industrial Revolution found full expression when in 1886, the SCOTUS gave corporations the rights of individuals. In about a century and a half, this Crony Capitalism has found a theocratic religion willing to accomodate its beliefs to it. They found such individuals in the Christian South. Remember that in the Civil War, only the Roman Catholics and the Episcopal Church did not separate into two camps.
Otherwise, the USA and the CSA had different denominations of the same faith essence, the Northern variety was evangelical and communal and imbued with the social gospel...abolition was part of it. The South was informed by its economic and political accomodations made to its faith. The Southern Baptists, quoted Paul to give support to the ownership of slaves.
In the middle to late nineteenth century, the FUNDAMENTALS OF CHRISTIAN PRINCIPLES....which from a theological perspective is absolutely false and heretical doctrine to the majority of Christians, gained support among the Crony Capitalists. The Capitalists had found their religious doctrine and their religious leaders to contain the masses and give them "moral cover" while they economically raped and pillaged the wealth of a nation. Their own ethical and moral conduct would be beyond reproach, on any endeavour, because God Himself had appointed them to their rule and subjugation of the masses born to serve them.
So, when GLBT and straight liberals and progressives cede the moral ground to these "FAUX CHRISTIANS", they are deceived and derided for their ignorance. The Washington DC boarding house of the "Christian Mafia, Dobson and his FOF, the right wing theocratic think tanks, the Rick Warren and the AA Black Clergy Homophobic Alliance, and the meisters of think tanks and faux universities, Pat Robertson and the late Jerry Falwell, are their disciples of deception.
I am afraid that the outcomes on all liberal and progressive issues - GLBT - Health Care Reform - Iraqi and Afghani Wars - etc... are all informed and controlled by nefarious forces that have more to do with the seven deadly sins that my grandmother spoke of....the antithesis of the seven good ones. It is about that fight, that battle, that we must wage. It is about information and awareness, and speaking the truth....CHRISTIANITY AND THE AMERICAN DEMOCRATIC SYSTEM WERE HIJACKED....and using the power of language, and utilising the skills of malevolent spinmeisters and propagandists like Frank Luntz among others, the American sheeple are raped of their very desires as well as their very own treasure.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009


With the number of eligible seats that now equal the number of candidates, the Electoral Commission has noted that the First Parliament will still be voted upon on October 31, 2009 and the House and Senate will be seated upon the call of the Crown.
It appears that out of 150 seats, there are 92 Conservatives with 6 Independents conferencing with the Tories for a total of 98 Tory candidates.
It also appears that there are 50 Liberals with 2 Independents caucusing with the Liberals. After each name the letter designation of the province is added:
Liberal Candidates are as follows : Leader Sandra Lubrano, (T) - Deputy Leader Pall Heiner Einarsson (W) - Deputy Whip Jared Mabrie (W) - Ace Lundon (W) - Tom Spinella (W) - Joel Payne (W) - Ben Auslander (W) - Brogan Duffy (W) - Wendy Leigh (T) - Sherry Wilson (K)-
George O'Neill (W) - David daSilva Cornell (W) - Andrew Conte (W) - Dan Forbes (W)- George Richardson (W) - Emily Johnson (T) - Alice Parker (T) - Margaret Hines (T) - Ronald Breaux (K) - Carla Jones (T) - Teresa Brewer (T) - Barbara Dawson (T) - Morris Taylor (K) - Eileen Taylor (K) - Robert Owens (K) - Kylie Adams (K) - Michelle Adams (K) - Elizabeth Ratford (T)- Mary Tillotson (T) - Anna Reynolds (T) - Mark Pryor (W) - Elizabeth Post (T) - Richard Lyons (W) - Victor Perez (W) - Albert Violette (W) - Raymond St. Germain (W) - Marco delaVega (W)-
Georges Levesque (W) - Charles Guidreau (W) - Alexandre Boisvert (W) - Louis St. Laurent (W) -Alice Dufour (T) -Louise Davidson (T) - Marie Renaud (T) - Annette Pariseau (T) - Cecile Bruneau (T)- Blanche Burelle (T) - Jeanne Roux (T) -Michel Arsenault (W) -Lea Proulx (T)-
Fernande Heroux (T) - Georges Martin (W)
Conservative candidates are as follows: Tory Leader Raymond S. Decelles-Smith (W), Deputy Tory Leader Carolyn Power (T) , Tory Whip Albert W. Decelles-Smith (W)- Mary Elliott (T) - Louise Audette (T) - Eva Louvain (T) - Jeanne Cote (T) - Laura Bisson (T) - Muriel Pothier (T)-Susanne Dessault (T) - Jean Martin (W) -Sarah Dyes (T) - Mary Chaffee (T) - Margaret Dawes (T) - Alice Fulton (T) - Barbara Hayes (K) - Carol Baxter (K) - Diana Carter (K) - Elaine Baker (K) - Farrah Fox (K) - Georgia Holton (T) -Henrietta Burgess (T) - Izzy Stein (W) - Jennifer Hall (T) - Kara Smythe (K) - Lena Hall (T) - Muriel Stone (T) - Nancy Carville (T) - Paula Cunningham (T) -Roberta Kelley (T) - Sarah Gray (K) - Therese Ouillette (T) - Veola Dandenault (T) - Arnold White (W) - Bob Wilson (W) - Charles Patterson (W) - David Williams (W) - Elliott Turner (W) - Frank Dyer (W) - George Salyer (W) - Henry Tucker (W) - Israel Cohen (W) - Jack Dawson (W) - Kenneth Lee (K) - Leo Baudoin (K) - Mark Lovell (K) - Norbert Dawes (K) -Oliver Sinclair (K) - Paul Desrosiers (K) - Roger Tynes (W) - Sam Carter (K) - Ted Wood (W) - Victor Ames (K) - Alan Tedesky (W) - Bert Roberts (K) - Cliff Jones (W) - Dan Smith (W) - Edouard Charbonneau (W) - Francis Custer (W) - John Parker (K) - Kevin Snyder (K) - Lawrence Patterson (W) -Milt Caniff (K) - Norm Palmer (T) - Arthur Lotting (K) - Barbara Scott (T) - Charles Dawson (W) - Davina Charles (T) - Edward Fincher (W) - Felicia Arber (K)-
George Simpson (W) - Hortense St. Pierre (K) - John Deragon (K) - Jackie Bouvier (T) - Kenneth Adams (W) - Karen Peebles (K) - Leo Long (W) - Mary O'Donnell (K) - Nancy Murphy (T) - Peter Cameron (W) - Patrick O'Grady (W) - Patricia Connolly (T) - Loring Fields (K) -Alton Stone (W) - Bart Wood (W) - Beatrice Albright (T) - Charles Foster (W) - Charlene Williams (K) - Dennis Kirby (W) - Felicia Ellison (T) - Arthur Martineau (W) - Ernest Pariseau (W) - Gerard Moreau (W) - Yvon Burelle (K) - Herve Gauvin (W) - Ferdinand Janelle (W)-
Arzelia Morissette (T) - Juliette Caron (T).
When all uncontested seats are then voted upon by the candidates themselves, the election for the first Parliament will be officially certified. It is obvious that the subsequent Parliaments will be contested ridings and that a true political campaign will ensue.
The October period will also allow time for the two party leaders to suggest members of the Lambda Senate, who will also be appointed and seated for a period of two years. Vacancies will be made by the Governor General, with the advice and consent of the current prime minister.


History Department Chair Dr. Jennifer Stein-Cohen today moderated a seminar discussing the moral imperative for the creation of the Dominion of Lambda. Several themes were discussed, including the resurgence of aggressive acts against GLBT persons worldwide, including murder.
Hate crimes are rising in first world as well as third world nations and Islamic theocracies.

Dr. Stein-Cohen remarked how much the rise of the brownshirted SA prior to Hitler's chancellorship and a year later, as totalitarian dictator, led to the acculturation of anti-Semitism.
Kristallnacht and the Nuremburg laws after rising to power, made the German people catatonic to the racism and murderous hatred in their midst. Overnight, the psychotics were in charge of the asylum, and it was too late to stop it. Herzog's call early informed the Jews in diaspora to find a nation to accept them. As the film SHIP OF FOOLS illustrated clearly, no nation wanted members of either the Ashkenazi or Sephardic Jewish tribes in their country. Many of these first world states actually had Nazi sympathisers and others who shared the anti-Semitism. If a whole race was unacceptable, then " homosexuals, gypsies, or the insane" were easy prey as well.

An important point that Professor Stein-Cohen made was the brief timeline it takes to escape with more than the clothing on your back. As the Right Wing entrenches itself, it is less possible to keep your precious items, or to sell your property at fair and advantageous prices. At first, she said, 'they want you gone, and later, if you stayed, they want you gone permanently from the planet."

Lambda citizens abroad are described as the Great Diaspora where many bright and talented men and women need this nation state in order to survive as a viable community. Psychosexual orientation is a diverse sense of community, but it does not lessen its importance, since it crosses all gender, ethnic, racial, religious and cultural lines.


On Wednesday, September 30, at 12:01 AM EDT will be the deadline for declaration of candidacy for the Parliamentary elections from October 1-31, 2009. The Governor General will invite the victorious majority party to form a government on November 1, 2009.
The length of the Parliament, unless a vote of no confidence prompts an early election, or the majority calls an early election, will begin on November 1, 2009 and end on May 1, 2010.
The first elected Parliament after the provisional government will also name the majority members of the appointed Lambda Senate, with a few seat majority for their party. Vacancies for any reason are replaced by the Lambda Government when necessary.
There are 150 ridings (districts) of the House of Commons and 50 members of the Lambda Senate as of November 1, 2009. At present, 138 candidates have been officially declared by the Liberal and Conservative Parties. Independents must declare whether or not they will caucus with the Liberals or conference with the Tories.
All "official " followers of this blog are presently candidates for the House of Commons. Other individuals have contacted the government for candidacy petitions that were processed and accepted. During the early morning hours of October 1, 2009, the official candidates will be determined. Regardless of the uncontested nature of some seats, the official month long deadline will be honoured.
Liberal Leader Sandra Lubrano and Tory Leader Raymond Decelles-Smith are optimistic about their chances to form the first six-month government for the Dominion of Lambda.

Monday, September 28, 2009


The Provisional Prime Minister today announced that dual nationals of Lambda and other nations worldwide may petition the government for Honourary Consular status in their own country. Members of Parliament are at this time excluded from consideration in order to maintain a diplomatic rather than partisan aspect to the position.
Interested parties should make their interest known to the Prime Minister, who will submit their names to the Crown, by representation, the Governor General for such appointments. It is hoped that these honourary consuls could be named after the installation of the first elected House of Commons and appointed Senate, on November 1, 2009, when the first government is formed.

Sunday, September 27, 2009


Prime Minister Raymond Decelles-Smith today sent to HM, the Queen the nominations for the Royal Lambda Privy Council, led of course, by the present Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs and President of the Queen's Privy Council. The Lieutenant Governors for each of the three provinces were also named:
The Honourable Vincent Normand Lafayette was named Lieutenant Governor of Wilde Province. The Honourable Rebecca Ann Smith-Rothmann was named Lieutenant Governor of Toklas Province, and the Honourable Laura McMahon Connolly was named Lieutenant Governor of King Province. All serve under the Governor General, Mrs. Lee Dorsey, of Jamestown.
HM, the Queen of Lambda's Privy Council members and their biographies follow:
The Honourable John Goodall-Wright, OBE, Member of Provisional Government and interim Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs and President of the Queen's Privy Council.
There are six other members, three drawn from both the Liberal and Tory leadership, although they are not political appointments, and serve at the pleasure of the Crown.
The Honourable Albert Wade Decelles-Smith, of Wilde Province (C)
The Honourable Anne Perkins-Jones, of Toklas Province (C)
The Honourable James Alton Baker, of King Province (C)
The Honourable Omer N. Gauvin, of Wilde Province (L)
The Honourable Emily Patterson Wright, of Toklas Province (L)
The Honourable Margaret Mary Windsor, of King Province (L)
These appointments will serve until June of 2010 according to the provisional law and given royal assent last week.


The Royal Lambda Atheist Society today elected Dr. Sarah Jane Ingersoll-Adams to lead the group for the next two years. Dr. Ingersoll-Adams is a dual national of the United Kingdom and the Dominion of Lambda. In accepting the election results, the new president promised to keep whatever government is elected in October to keep the promises inherent in the Lambda Constitution's Charter of Rights and Freedoms as regards the separation between church and state.
Dr. Ingersoll-Adams is married to Elizabeth Townsend Adams, a nurse practitioner, who is also a candidate for the House of Commons from Toklas Province under the Liberal Party banner this October. Together, they have two children, a son age 10 and a daughter, age 7.


For your edification and your pleasure, we have this wonderful video for you to see:


The Provisional Government announced that Saturday, October 10, 2009 would be Honourable Nations Day celebrated whereby those nations who have fully and honourably provided full Marriage Equality by name would be recognised for their ethical and just laws.
Lambda recognises the fact that other nations throughout the world have provided our GLBT brothers and sisters with some rights and privileges under law, or "separate but equal " rights and privileges, while the heterosexists demand that the legality and culture of civil marriage be retained exclusively by opposite sex couples. Other nations, like the United States of America, provide local, regional, state or provincial legal recognition, from civil marriage to domestic partnerships, while refusing to grant federal recognition for such marriages they automatically accord to opposite sex couples.

Saturday, September 26, 2009


The Provisional Government today discussed the possibility of a proposed Dominion of Lambda National Anthem. The Royal Anthem of God Save the Queen remains consistent in all Commonwealth Nations where the Chief of State is the Sovereign represented by a Governor General.
The proposed anthem melody is taken from the Old English hymn " The Strife is O'er, the Battle Won." is ruffles and flourishes, but the words and lyrics are better understood in context with this:
The first stanza in English is the only lyrics yet written.
" The 'bridge is lower'd, the battle begun
Our Home, our Fortress, our refuge from harm
We pledge our Hearts, our Body and Soul
With Armour and Shield, our Freedom is won
May Sons and Daughters with strong voice proclaim
O Lambda, my Mother My Own"
The National Anthem Commission realises that many further attempts will be required to codify an official national anthem, but diplomatic courtesies required one at the present time.
The Protocol is the Royal Anthem when the Sovereign or Governor General is present, and preceding the National Anthem. All formal events or diplomatic events require both anthems.


The Electoral Commission established by the Provisional Government has set the first Parliamentary elections for a month of voting, October 1-31, 2009.
The Governor General of Lambda, the Right Honourable Mrs. Lee Dorsey, M.D., will then invite the Leader of the appropriate party to form the First elected Government of Lambda, on November 1, 2009 for a six month term of office, or until the government fails a vote of confidence in the House of Commons.
The Right Honourable Raymond S. Decelles-Smith, of Wilde Province, is the Leader of the Conservative (Tory) Party of Lambda. He is the provisional prime minister of the Commonwealth nation. The deputy leader is Ms. Sandra Lubrano, of Toklas Province, who is president of the Royal Lambda WOW Family Promotion Society, promoting lesbian and gay families in the nation.
The Leader of the Liberal Party of Lambda is Ms. Carolyn Power, of Toklas Province with Pall Heimer Einarsson, of Wilde Province, as the deputy leader.
There are three provinces in Lambda......Wilde Province....Toklas Province.....and King Province. There are predominant populations in each, but all Lambda citizens are free to live anywhere in the nation. Wilde Province is predominantly gay couples....Toklas Province is predominantly lesbian couples....and King Province is predominantly gay-affirming heterosexual couples. It appears that transgendered couples find support and loving acceptance throughout all three provinces.
The national capital is Jamestown, located in King Province, named after the gay sovereign, James I (Stuart) of England and VI of Scotland.....who commissioned the King James version of Holy Scripture...whose Elizabethan prose has, ironically, been used to persecute GLBT Christians and others equally, that is, until the creation of the Dominion of Lambda.
There are 150 ridings (constituencies) in the House of Commons. At present, 26 September, 2009, there are 101 candidates....and since it is difficult to have an election where each candidate contests for the election, if you become a candidate, you will win your seat without contest. Remember that the majority will form the government and decide the majority in the appointed Senate of Lambda. There are 50 seats and the majority will hold 30 seats and the minority will hold 20 seats.
So, if you are interested in a seat in the House of Commons for the First Parliament, then indicate it by posting on NetworkedBlogs, or on the Facebook page, and indicate your name, party affiliation (if independent, who you would caucus or conference with), and which province you represent. The majority in each province will appoint a premier for that province.

Friday, September 25, 2009


The Royal Lambda Religious and Philosophical Society held an Oecumenical Evening of Prayer and Sermon on Wednesday, September 23, 2009. All of the major Church and Philosophical Society leaders were allowed to either join in prayer, song or speech for the event.

Dignitaries included everyone from the primates of the various Christian denominations, Jewish Rabbinical Associations, and other major religious bodies. There were also wide differences evidenced by the president of the Royal Lambda Atheistic League, who spoke for a half hour on the right for all beliefs, including atheism, to gain respect with the Lambda community.

Archbishop Breault is the primate of the Lambda National Catholic Church, a valid but autocephalus Catholic jurisdiction outside the Roman Catholic Church. Lambda does not recognise the right of the Roman Catholic Church to legally operate within the borders of Lambda because the Vatican does not recognise the major tenets that founded Lambda, on the secular level, and disagrees with Lambda's independent Catholics that their marriages are sacramental in nature. The abridged text of his speech follows:

" In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, blessed Trinity, One God, forever and ever, Amen! My dear brothers and sisters in Christ, and more, fellow citizens of the Dominion of Lambda.

The purpose of this Oecumenical Meeting is to strengthen the bonds among all Lambda's faith and religious and philosophical communities, while we simultaneously affirm our own credal beliefs and freedom of conscience and the liberty to exercise them without prejudice in this country.

There are many among you who have the good fortune to have your organisations recognised internationally as part of an international association of like-minded and like-acting individuals.

There are some of you who have been rejected by the major international denominations or jurisdictions throughout the world, and the Lambda observant community stands alone as a beacon to all gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered persons whether they are also dual nationals of our country.

........Speaking for this branch of Christ's Mystical Body, this small "twig" , we hold to the One, Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church with the validity of Word and Sacrament as we who have affirmed the sanctity of our psychosexual orientation or gender identity as part of His plan for creation and salvation. We reject all spiritual verbal violence as contrary to His Plan for our lives regardless of whom we love. It is rather, how we love, and what that particular love means in our Divine embrace, and the desire to love our neighbours as much as we should love ourselves.

Spiritual violence is insidious. It is both hurtful and harmful. It betrays the trust of a young child who believes with the unblemished eyes of faith and trust in the Church and his family. The paedophile scandals were the most severe and egregious betrayal of innocence that the largest branch of Christendom has inflicted upon itself, and all those who call themselves Christians.

For the GLBT Christian, the spiritual violence goes deeper in theological as well as psychological terms. This is not to say that the Church's greatest scandal does not overwhelm all others. There is much truth that many GLBT Christians under Rome's allegiance were also paedophile victims of these vile men and women. We also speak about the Roman Church's all pervasive crusade against not only our interpretation of Catholic faith and practice, and the freedom of conscience, but against the civil rights and equality under law in many nations that Lambda citizens have dual nationality. Luckily, we have Lambda citizens who are also citizens of the eight Marriage Equality nations.....Canada, Netherlands, Belgium, Spain, Norway, Sweden and South Africa. There are other European Union nations who have similar but inferior federal rights, with marriage by legality and culture retained by homophobic heterosexists in those nations.

We acknowledge this spiritual violence as the first step to heal these wounds in the twig - the small yet significant part of His Mystical Body, for Lambda's Catholics to serve their brothers and sisters in our great crusade to heal each other and to recognise that we indeed are all victims of spiritual violence and are all worthy of spiritual reconciliation. Let us stand as we sing the hymn that we will do battle with a vision of victory...... Onward Christian Soldiers. Archbishop Breault then joined the rest of the Christian primates in singing the last hymn


The Provisional Government of Lambda announced today that Sunday, November 1, 2009 and all other subsequent first Sundays in November will be officially observed as FAMILY DAY in the Dominion of Lambda.
In announcing this new official day of observance, the Provisional Prime Minister deferred his comments as the Governor General petitioned and received Royal Assent for the new day of observance.
In their joint remarks, the Governor General, the Right Honourable Mrs. Lee Dorsey, and the Prime Minister, the Right Honourable Raymond S. Decelles-Smith, asked Lambda citizens, especially those who are dual nationals of the United States of America, to remember the struggles for freedom and equality that we enjoy in Lambda.
Primarily, both dignitaries discussed the plight of the state of Maine, who won marriage equality for statewide purposes, and a "Peoples Referendum" promoted by the most homophobic elements in that state....the unholy and strange alliance between Roman Catholicism and fundamentalist Protestant Christianity. Both of them highlighted a particular video promoted by pro-GLBT activists who want to keep marriage beyond the date initially provided under law, 15 September, 2009 and went by unceremoniously until the November elections decides the issue.

Thursday, September 24, 2009


The Provisional Government of the Dominion of Lambda has, as do all such nations of the Commonwealth, especially with a Governor General, have both the Royal Anthem and the National Anthem delivered simultaneously or as is appropriate for the occasion.
The call was made to many musicians and lyricists to create a national anthem that could be sung with both English and French lyrics.
The Royal Anthem is God Save the Queen.... and we hope to have a National Anthem soon.
May I suggest, for the National Anthem, something as stirring and moving as a song composed by someone who will march in the United States March on Washington, October 10-11, 2009.
The song is called " FLAG AND RAINBOW " . This gifted person has written a stirring piece that moved the souls of several here in Lambda. You can find this particular song, among many other songs on this site:


The Ministry of Justice today advised all potential candidates for the Lambda House of Commons to register with the government before the deadline, at midnight, on 30 September 2009, with the official list of candidates prepared for posting on 1 October 2009.
There are 150 members of the House of Commons and 50 members of the appointed Senate. The term of a Member of Parliament is six months, or less if a vote of no confidence occurs.
The Dominion of Lambda has the Liberal Party of Lambda and the Conservative Party of Lambda. Those candidates who claim "independent status" must indicate if they will caucus with the Liberals or conference with the Conservatives when they register. Lambda has three provinces - namely Wilde Province - Toklas Province and King Province....and candidates must also indicate which province they will represent.
For the first Parliamentary elections, October 1-31, 2009, the first 150 candidates posted will sit in the House of Commons. The majority will determine who will win the right to be asked by Governor General Lee Dorsey, in the name of the Crown, to form a new government. The Leader of the Loyal Opposition will stand in opposition and form a "shadow government" able to discuss the matter. The Governor General will invite the Leader of the majority of Members to form the government on November 1, 2009.
Lambda is a (written) constitutional monarchical parliamentary democracy. The authority of the nation is the Queen, the Parliament and the Supreme Court of Lambda.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


The Consulate General of the Dominion of Lambda in Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro today reported that the Swedish Ambassador would provide GLBT Serbians with a legal venue to have a Gay Pride Festival after the Serbian government refused the permit.
Under international law, the foreign embassies are sovereign soil of that nation. The Swedish Ambassador announced that he would invite all Serbian gays and lesbians and their friends and families to his Official Residence for the Mini-Pride event. Sweden is one of eight countries that grants full marriage equality to its citizens.
At present, the Dominion of Lambda has a low-level presence consulate in Belgrade and does not enjoy full diplomatic relations with Serbia and Montenegro. At present, Sweden represents Lambda and its citizens, or dual nationals, in this nation.

Sunday, September 20, 2009


The Provisional Government of Lambda stands with their American brothers and sisters, regardless of psychosexual orientation and gender identity, who support GLBT rights federally and in all fifty states , the District of Columbia, and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and other territories and protectorates of the United States of America, who will gather and march in Washington, DC on Saturday and Sunday, October 10-11, 2009.
Joining their voice to the government were all the religious, spiritual, and philosophical churches, synagogues, temples, societies, and mosques operative within the Dominion of Lambda, who stood and admonished those right wing theocratic religionists who obstruct the rights of our American brothers and sisters.
The Governor General of Lambda, herself a heterosexual gay-affirming person, reaffirmed the fact that many citizens of the United States are dual nationals with the Dominion of Lambda.

Saturday, September 19, 2009


The Constitution of the Dominion of Lambda has clearly defined that on both the federal and provincial levels, that capital crimes are set as life sentences without parole rather than the death penalty.
Lambda joins Britain and the rest of the Commonwealth in banning capital punishment. In fact, all first world industrial nations ban the death penalty, while some reserve it for the " most heinous of crimes."
Capital punishment is legal in most Islamic states and in totalitarian states such as North Korea. The most "celebrated" exception to first world nations is the United States of America, who once banned the practice under liberal and progressive governments, and has had it restored since the days of Ronald Reagan. Capital punishment in the United States is both federal and state, but certain states have opted out of the programme. Others, like the state of Texas, lead the nation in capital punishments carried out. It is also legal to give the death penalties to minor children tried and convicted as adults.
" The belief we share with the plurality of civilised nations on earth is that the State should not take the life of even the most heinous criminal. We believe that a life of incarceration without ever leaving the prison other than in a coffin is justifiable punishment for capital crimes." said the Prime Minister followed by remarks of the Minister of Justice and Attorney General.


You know the joke. The masochist says, " beat me", and the sadist merely replies, "no". The political joke about American liberal/progressive political masochism, is that the joke is on the American sheeple.
This commentary may be directed to the American health/insurance reform debate, but it would be rather incomplete not to include the many GLBT issues discussed frequently in these essays.
There is no one who doubts that there will be 60 senators who are, or in the case of two, who will caucus with the Democrats. Admittedly, Sanders of VT is a true leftist, but Lieberman of CT is a right winger. It is true that MA Governor DeVal Patrick will appoint Michael Dukakis to the Senate, and every day one prays that Senate President pro tem Robert Byrd lives to breathe another day in an ailing 91 year old body.
You have a significant caucus of phony Democrats in the Senate recruited by Chuck Schumer of NY, as had Rahm Emmanuel, then in House leadership, recruited those phonies in the House - both to obtain a phony majority in both houses. The Hammer had gerrymandered the entire Congress to make Corporate Republicans win, or assuredly, only Corporate Democrats as an alternative win.The hypocrisy about the GOP strategy fails even the most low-grade smell test.
It is putrid, yet the Corporate Media repeats the mantra of respectable opinion on a 24/7 basis, as if our olfactory capacity only sensed pleasant fragrances. After all, there is NO real journalistic media. There are the Corporate Brahmans General Electric, Westinghouse, Viacom, Time Warner, Disney, and of course, the most obvious News Corporation. They kept the name of the non-profit news networks they raped, and formed into competitive for profit infotertainment sites.
We often speak about how they have effectively used Plato's "revolution within a form" to their great advantage.Political masochism is accepting the lies, the hypocrisies, and the absolute betrayal of your party's principles. It was about remaining silent and subordinate when the single payer was removed by secret accords between Corporate Brahmans and the White House. It was about accepting the canard of a public option, and then removing that option altogether. It is about "triggers" that are just sleight of hand or bait and switch tools used to kill true reform. Triggers are the only weapons never fired by an MIC-controlled Congress.
After all, Ike wanted to say....the Military, Industrial, Congressional Complex.Do you ever wonder why liberal and progressive wusses say nothing when frauds like Max Baucus and Kent Conrad speak about the budget? Do you want to vomit when you know that the Department of Defence and its surrogates in the Department of Homeland Security gobble up the plurality of our funds without an ounce of cutbacks? What makes political triangulators, centrists and conservatives regardless of label, and especially Democrats, have no fear in betraying their base?
Howard Dean and Jay Rockefeller are absolutely correct. The physician and the Social Register elite whose family includes a late first cousin who was AR governor and an uncle who was a vice president of the US and NY governor in the GOP, know that this bill that will ultimately pass without public option or one with a trigger device that will do nothing in perpetuity. This is the bill written by lobbyists, passed by a Corporate Congress, for the Corporate Brahmans - and after Wall Street bailouts.....the ultimate economic, political and cultural rape of the American Sheeple.Governor Dean and others say it correctly.
If Obama folds like a cheap suit to the Corporate Republican Snowe and Collins and the Corporate Democrats, he deserves defeat on this bill and a liberal primary opponent in 2012, if not outright defeat for re-election, IMO.Liberal economists correctly state that the Corporate Brahmans, without restraints or phony triggers, will create an eventual duopoly. Rates will increase, and the American sheeple will be fined.
The high risk patients will be put in a compulsory high risk pool. This is horrendous, and the price you pay when you have no real zealous liberals in power.....and only triangulating centrists and conservatives....for to these men, like Barack Obama, it is all about compromise and capitulation without is simply, as Donald Trump says, the "art of the deal."
The Leader of the Conservative Party of Lambda, the Provisional Prime Minister, delivered a speech about his former Liberal party affiliation in Canada and Democratic liberal party affiliation in the United States. His address follows"

Friday, September 18, 2009


The official languages of Lambda are English and French. There are many spoken languages in the Dominion of Lambda, however. It was decided that the official languages represent the majority language and the diplomatic language as defined by the United Nations and historical precedent.

Les langues officielles du Lambda sont l'anglais et le francais. Nous comptons beaucoup de divers langues parler au Lambda. Nous avons decide de prononcer ces deux langues officielles parce qu'une represente la majorite, et l'autre, la langue diplomatique selon les Nations Unies et les precedents historiques.


The Provisional Government of the Dominion of Lambda has announced the formation and the licensure of the following professional organisations operating in the country.

The new professional organisations licenced as of 15 September, 2009 are the following:

The Royal Lambda Medical Society - The Royal Lambda Dental Society - The Royal Lambda Psychiatric Society - The Royal Lambda Psychological Society - The Royal Lambda Legal Association - The Royal Lambda Hospital Association - The Royal Lambda National Chamber of Commerce - The Royal Lambda Rangers - The Royal Lambda Same-Sex Family Association - PFLAG-Lambda - The Royal Lambda Lesbian Business and Professional Society.

The Royal Lambda Environmental Association - The Royal Lambda Forestry Society - The Royal Lambda Marine Life and Oceanic Society - The Royal Lambda Humane Society - The Royal Lambda Association for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals - The Royal Lambda Pediatric Association - The Royal Lambda Chiropractic Society - The Royal Lambda Society of Chartered Public Accountants.

The Ministry of Trade and Professional Societies and Associations advised the media that many more organisations are in process of filing licensure applications.

Thursday, September 17, 2009


Ms. Sandra Lubrano, Liberal Party candidate for a seat in the House of Commons from Toklas Province today noted that she will also seek the premiership of the province in the December provincial elections. Members of the federal Parliament can also win election to the provincial parliament under current Lambda law.
Ms. Lubrano and her wife spoke to many Toklas Province voters on her platform plank that adds to the single payer federal LAMBDACARE PROGRAMME with tax credits to adopt children or obtain surrogacy services abroad.


The Provisional Government today made an impassioned plea for gay and lesbian families to contemplate dual nationality and apply for Certificates of Citizenship in the Dominion of Lambda.

The Prime Minister also spoke about a ruling by the Lambda Supreme Court and announced by the Minister of Justice and Attorney General that all couples seeking a dual parent adoption in addition to a legal marriage licence, can receive that legal designation if both parents wish to petition for it.

Foreign consulates (there are no embassies at present- only a High Commissioner in London) can receive Citizenship Certificates until 31 December 2009. The Lambda Citizenship Act will go into effect on January 1, 2010. Parents can also petition the Lambda Crown Courts at foreign consulates until that date, it was announced.


The Archbishop-Primate of the Lambda National Catholic Church spoke today at the First Annual Synod of the Church where he spoke against theocracy.

His remarks follow:


There are two places on the planet where THE PINK TRIANGLE is honoured. The first in my heart and mind is in Amsterdam, Netherlands, and the other, ironically, is in Washington, DC, USA. The primary place of honour is where the Dutch have made complete amends by granting, since 2001, full freedom and equality to its gay and lesbian citizens, including marriage equality, and adoption rights to form families.There have been several films dedicated to the plight of gay men especially during the Third Reich. This was made more stark by the fact that certain self-loathing gay brownshirts, led by Ernst Roehm, helped Hitler gain full political power. Roehm was murdered on orders from Hitler and a purge of gays in Nazism was complete by 1935. The movies, BENT, PARAGRAPH 175, for example are two of those expository films.There are strong parallels to the political propaganda against Jews and GLBT persons today. Many of the detailed descriptions of Jews as vermin, rats, and rabid rapists and paedophiles validated the vile hatred and eventual genocide of that race and religion. Observant and cultural Jews, mixed ethnic or race, or Jews converted to Christianity, straight or gay, left or right, it mattered not. However, one thing was true, for it was better not to wear the half homosexual and half Jewish symbol on your prison clothing.Today, most historians are aware that the Allied forces, and even before, the United States of America was aware of the Jewish genocide in Europe. The SHIP OF FOOLS shows that the WASP reactionaries in America, known also by the German American BUND, did not want the influx of Jews from Europe prior to the end of WWII. Gratefully, that influx occurred after the end of the war, to the great benefit of the American commonweal. However, as PARAGRAPH 175 clearly connotes, the gay prisoners of Nazi concentration camps were retained in West and East German prisons, with equal derision by "democratic" and communist governments after the war. Gay prisoners of war were often reincarcerated, and not given reparations and treated as both perverse and politically putrid. Today, there is a resurgence of both the high tolerance level in Europe and elsewhere prior to the fascist rise in the late twenties and early thirties. There is also the worldwide war waged by reactionary theocrats of several religions against any and all civil and human rights and equality under the laws of all nations and national groupings, such as the European Union.I have saved my animus for the United States for last. This is a worthy placement because this is where the United States belongs when you speak or write about equal freedom and equality for all minorities. The American history is about being end emancipate women provide give women rights over their own bodies and treat First Peoples or aboriginal peoples they genocided with provide single payer universal health care....and to extend full federal franchise to gay and lesbian couples to marry and share equal rights with opposite sex couples.The Iraq and Afghanistan regimes are American puppet governments. They are no different than the British or French Empire colonies and their tetrarchies. We have spent, or will at end, spend trillions of dollars emptying into international Corporate Brahman coffers rather than the Sheeple who own that treasure. Let us be blunt....the Iraqi and Afghan gays murdered officially or unofficially are victims of all Americans....including and me....their brothers and sisters who actually pay these murderers to create a perpetual puppet regime under U.S. control. The multibillion dollar embassy fortress and the many fortified forts in those nations attest to that fact.The National March for Equality will happen in a few weeks. We will march rather than stay home. We will point our fingers at absent president and congress and say.......J'ACCUSE.....I ACCUSE.....all of you, all of us, in complicity for the second genocide of our international community of brothers and sisters. Their blood is upon YOU and US. The Corporatist Brahmans own all political parties....and Bush and Obama as well....and to prove their open cynicism.....they both appointed the same SECDEF and the same MIC capos to the same post. We must stand and scream about the sacrilege, yes sacrilege, of repeating the rapes and murders.... the redux or repetition of the holocaust horrors of the last century.WE ARE FAMILY, THEY ARE KILLING US ON ALL CONTINENTS, BY MANY DIFFERENT POLITICAL PHILOSOPHIES, AND REACTIONARY RELIGIONS....AND IF YOU REMAIN SILENT, BECAUSE IT IS NOT ABOUT YOU DIRECTLY, WHO WILL COME TO YOUR RESCUE WHEN IT IS YOUR TURN...????


The Provisional Government of the Dominion of Lambda has announced that thirty-seven (37) Conservative Party and twenty-five (25) Liberal Party candidates for the 150 ridings in the new House of Commons. Candidates can declare up to and including September 30, 2009 and Election Days are between October 1-31, 2009.

The Governor General of Lambda will call the leader of the majority party in the House of Commons to form a government in the name of the Crown, on November 1, 2009. Lambda is a Commonwealth nation with the Sovereign as Chief of State, and is a constitutional parliamentary monarchic democracy. The Head of Government is the Prime Minister, elected for a six month term of office unless recalled by a vote of confidence.

There are now nearly half the candidates declared for the first Parliamentary election. Senators will be appointed by the Prime Minister with a majority of the first majority government.