With the number of eligible seats that now equal the number of candidates, the Electoral Commission has noted that the First Parliament will still be voted upon on October 31, 2009 and the House and Senate will be seated upon the call of the Crown.
It appears that out of 150 seats, there are 92 Conservatives with 6 Independents conferencing with the Tories for a total of 98 Tory candidates.
It also appears that there are 50 Liberals with 2 Independents caucusing with the Liberals. After each name the letter designation of the province is added:
Liberal Candidates are as follows : Leader Sandra Lubrano, (T) - Deputy Leader Pall Heiner Einarsson (W) - Deputy Whip Jared Mabrie (W) - Ace Lundon (W) - Tom Spinella (W) - Joel Payne (W) - Ben Auslander (W) - Brogan Duffy (W) - Wendy Leigh (T) - Sherry Wilson (K)-
George O'Neill (W) - David daSilva Cornell (W) - Andrew Conte (W) - Dan Forbes (W)- George Richardson (W) - Emily Johnson (T) - Alice Parker (T) - Margaret Hines (T) - Ronald Breaux (K) - Carla Jones (T) - Teresa Brewer (T) - Barbara Dawson (T) - Morris Taylor (K) - Eileen Taylor (K) - Robert Owens (K) - Kylie Adams (K) - Michelle Adams (K) - Elizabeth Ratford (T)- Mary Tillotson (T) - Anna Reynolds (T) - Mark Pryor (W) - Elizabeth Post (T) - Richard Lyons (W) - Victor Perez (W) - Albert Violette (W) - Raymond St. Germain (W) - Marco delaVega (W)-
Georges Levesque (W) - Charles Guidreau (W) - Alexandre Boisvert (W) - Louis St. Laurent (W) -Alice Dufour (T) -Louise Davidson (T) - Marie Renaud (T) - Annette Pariseau (T) - Cecile Bruneau (T)- Blanche Burelle (T) - Jeanne Roux (T) -Michel Arsenault (W) -Lea Proulx (T)-
Fernande Heroux (T) - Georges Martin (W)
Conservative candidates are as follows: Tory Leader Raymond S. Decelles-Smith (W), Deputy Tory Leader Carolyn Power (T) , Tory Whip Albert W. Decelles-Smith (W)- Mary Elliott (T) - Louise Audette (T) - Eva Louvain (T) - Jeanne Cote (T) - Laura Bisson (T) - Muriel Pothier (T)-Susanne Dessault (T) - Jean Martin (W) -Sarah Dyes (T) - Mary Chaffee (T) - Margaret Dawes (T) - Alice Fulton (T) - Barbara Hayes (K) - Carol Baxter (K) - Diana Carter (K) - Elaine Baker (K) - Farrah Fox (K) - Georgia Holton (T) -Henrietta Burgess (T) - Izzy Stein (W) - Jennifer Hall (T) - Kara Smythe (K) - Lena Hall (T) - Muriel Stone (T) - Nancy Carville (T) - Paula Cunningham (T) -Roberta Kelley (T) - Sarah Gray (K) - Therese Ouillette (T) - Veola Dandenault (T) - Arnold White (W) - Bob Wilson (W) - Charles Patterson (W) - David Williams (W) - Elliott Turner (W) - Frank Dyer (W) - George Salyer (W) - Henry Tucker (W) - Israel Cohen (W) - Jack Dawson (W) - Kenneth Lee (K) - Leo Baudoin (K) - Mark Lovell (K) - Norbert Dawes (K) -Oliver Sinclair (K) - Paul Desrosiers (K) - Roger Tynes (W) - Sam Carter (K) - Ted Wood (W) - Victor Ames (K) - Alan Tedesky (W) - Bert Roberts (K) - Cliff Jones (W) - Dan Smith (W) - Edouard Charbonneau (W) - Francis Custer (W) - John Parker (K) - Kevin Snyder (K) - Lawrence Patterson (W) -Milt Caniff (K) - Norm Palmer (T) - Arthur Lotting (K) - Barbara Scott (T) - Charles Dawson (W) - Davina Charles (T) - Edward Fincher (W) - Felicia Arber (K)-
George Simpson (W) - Hortense St. Pierre (K) - John Deragon (K) - Jackie Bouvier (T) - Kenneth Adams (W) - Karen Peebles (K) - Leo Long (W) - Mary O'Donnell (K) - Nancy Murphy (T) - Peter Cameron (W) - Patrick O'Grady (W) - Patricia Connolly (T) - Loring Fields (K) -Alton Stone (W) - Bart Wood (W) - Beatrice Albright (T) - Charles Foster (W) - Charlene Williams (K) - Dennis Kirby (W) - Felicia Ellison (T) - Arthur Martineau (W) - Ernest Pariseau (W) - Gerard Moreau (W) - Yvon Burelle (K) - Herve Gauvin (W) - Ferdinand Janelle (W)-
Arzelia Morissette (T) - Juliette Caron (T).
When all uncontested seats are then voted upon by the candidates themselves, the election for the first Parliament will be officially certified. It is obvious that the subsequent Parliaments will be contested ridings and that a true political campaign will ensue.
The October period will also allow time for the two party leaders to suggest members of the Lambda Senate, who will also be appointed and seated for a period of two years. Vacancies will be made by the Governor General, with the advice and consent of the current prime minister.
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