Monday, November 30, 2009

Saturday, November 28, 2009


The Right Honourable Pall Heinar Einarsson, MP, the Deputy Leader of the Liberal Party is on an extended stay in the Republic of Iceland (ISLAND) in order to build Liberal Party support with Lambda's GLBT community in exile in Europe. Statistics suggest that support for Lambda emanates mostly from the two Americas.
An official statement from the Liberal Party headquarters said that the deputy leader was most suited to build Liberal party numbers abroad, and especially in Europe. Iceland and Finland and Denmark do not have marriage equality laws, as does both Norway and Sweden. Europe is a combination of nations with full marriage equality and others with some form of national domestic partnership rights.
Lambda's two "official" languages, French and English, does not provide the full picture. National languages from the world over are spoken in Lambda. GLBT persons come from all five continents and from all languages and cultures.
The Lambda Conservative Party commented indirectly on the Einarsson initiative, but indicated that the Tory government was considering a similar effort to its dual citizens in diaspora worldwide.

In light of Tory Prime Minister Decelles-Smith's speech on political orthodoxy, the Liberal Leader Sandra Lubrano answered media requests for additional commentary on the issue raised by Mr. Decelles-Smith two days ago. In his remarks, the prime minister had suggested that the leader of the opposition agreed with his remarks on political orthodoxy necessary for successful governance.
" The Prime Minister and I agree that politicians must 'stand for principles that their party presents as informative in creating legislation," replied Mrs. Lubrano. " However, we Liberals do not march 'lockstep' as do the Tories when they form a government," she replied." This having been said, the Liberal Party members in Parliament are aware that party discipline requires their vote in closed votes. We do not tolerate or accept lack of support on Liberal legislation emanating from the party conference."
In the Lambda Parliament, either Tory or Liberal MP's are required to vote with their party on party line CLOSED votes, although are permitted to vote their conscience on OPEN votes if they are back benchers. Cabinet and Shadow ministers must always vote with their party on all issues, or resign their posts.
In closing, the Liberal Leader of the Opposition spoke clearly about "liberal and progressive-led governments worldwide" who betray GLBT citizens in their countries. " These citizens hold dual nationality in the Dominion of Lambda, and we hold a proprietary interest in national outcomes", she stated, " Politicians who campaign as liberals and progressives and govern to the right of their centre, and betray their constituencies, do not deserve either support or continuation in government."
Friday, November 27, 2009

Thursday, November 26, 2009


Jamestown, Wilde Province, Lambda.......The Jamestown Resolution, issued by the Royal Lambda Council of Churches echoes the worldwide sentiments of GLBT persons everywhere in the world, according to various religious organisations who responded to the reply given to the international homophobic attack against Lambdans worldwide.
A copy of the Jamestown Resolution - a formal reply to the "Manhattan Malevolence" - admonishes activists that a purely secular civil political response to a "moral imperative" produces the defeats that have been witnessed, especially in the United States.
In a second appeal after the Jamestown Resolution was published, the RLCC challenged international "affirming clergy" to stand in open opposition to the Right Wing Theocratic Religionists throughout the world.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009



Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Monday, November 23, 2009

Canada, however, celebrates the holiday on the second Monday in October as opposed to the third Thursday in November in the United States. Prior to the election of the first Parliament this year, the provisional government had established the U.S. Thanksgiving date for Lambda.
The Governor General read the Thanksgiving Edict issued by the Crown, and in representing HM the Queen Elizabeth II, the Crown representative said in part:
" This year, we established the fact that the Dominion of Lambda would be one of three nations who will stop and offer thanksgiving, each according to their own customs and beliefs, on the day that the United States established for this holiday celebration. This year, Lambdans stand in solidarity with our GLBT American brothers and sisters, and our friends and families, as they seek strength in loving a nation who denies them basic human and civil rights."
" Beginning in 2010, the Dominion of Lambda will establish the THIRD Friday in October, as the Lambda Thanksgiving Day holiday, into perpetuity. We will invite all Lambda GLBT in diaspora to consider honouring that particular date as our own special day of remembrance."
Several American and Lambda dual nationals have indicated that they will celebrate October 18, 2010 as the sole Thanksgiving Day that they will celebrate.

No list of these malevolent theocrats is necessary. A quick perusal provides one with a long list of veteran advocates of intolerance and HATE INC activism. They are joined by the largest Christian denomination on the planet, and its most internationally successful Reformation schism, the worldwide Anglican Communion, presently in the throes of schism, picked apart by both Catholics and Protestants seeking their clergy and their flocks. The strength of their numbers in the United Kingdom and the old Dominions have decreased, but the subsharan African British Empire yields vibrant branches of the Canterbury Confession.
Subsaharan Africa is a "tale of two countries". It is also the opposing witnesses of two men. Both men are African. Both men are Anglican archbishops. Both men are heterosexual and married. Both men led the Anglican Church in their separate nations.
Nigeria is a nation with a divided theistic allegiance and simultaneously, a fascist right wing totalitarian state. Nigeria is divided among Christians and Muslims. The fight for flocks are fierce. Nigeria is an oil-rich nation with the stark presence and absence of wealth and abject poverty. Nigerian criminals operate scams and schemes known the world over. Shari'a law in Nigeria wants the legalised murder of gays and lesbians. Dr. Akinola believes in a "humane "alternative of life imprisonment as well as blessing the Muslim GLBT holocaust. The ineffectiveness of the Archbishop of Canterbury is worse when the "first among equals" has been usurped by this Christian fakir. His views, or more his " prayerful winks" on cultural polygamy is a matter of record beyond conjecture.
The subsaharan African nations once colonies of France, Belgium and Portugal have a Roman Catholic majority presence. Whereas observance is low in Europe, these former colonies boast a vibrant uberconservative Catholicism in full agreement with the German fuhrerpapen. Like their Anglican and former British colonies, the Muslim majority or minority is significant, and Shari'a law informs the process there as well.
The exception is the Union of South Africa, and the minority but significant Anglican Church, once led by now retired primate, Dr. Desmond Tutu, Archbishop Emeritus of Johannesburg, and Nobel Prize laureate. Both he and former President Nelson Mandela advocated for FULL marriage equality for same-sex couples. Dr. Tutu stands in compassionate contrast to the malefactor, Dr. Akinola.
There is nothing new in the Manhattan Declaration but a regurgitation of conclusions emanating from Catholic Scholasticism, Natural Law, and their pseudo-scientific definition of "objective disorder" they proclaimed. Not since the Galileo and Copernican adjudications has the Roman Catholic Church engaged in faux science in opposition to the world psychiatric and psychological societies. Moreover, no pope since Pius IX lost the Papal States in 1870, or in 1918 when WWI proclaimed the death of the Hapsburg Holy Roman Empire or in 1974 when Franco's death ushered in the end of Roman Catholic monopolistic theocracy in Fascist Spain, has the Vatican pseudo political state engaged in international civil hardball politics..
Both as pope now, and cardinal inquisitor then, Josef Ratzinger has decided to blame the paedophile scandals on gay brother cardinals, archbishops, bishops, monsignori, priests, deacons, monks and nuns. The bait and switch scapegoating explains the strategy. The carrot and stick hardball politics is the result of two millennia of theocratic history in Western civilisation.
The Manhattan Declaration's purpose is to both confound the critics and condemn the innocent. It is an all-out assault against the loud secular voices and the silent liberal and progressive religious voices from both within and from without these organisational monoliths. These marketers of malevolence smell blood in the water. They seek secular defeats by spiritual forces. They hold the "moral high ground" and have transformed it into the "moral imperative." Progressive religious voices fear and tremble as they remain silent or worse, silenced by secular leaders antithetical to any spiritual leadership in the moral crusade of the century.
I have sadly kept the final betrayal for last. The African American civil rights struggle was won by spiritual forces after a century of secular political machinations by friends and foes alike. Dr. King was helped by leading closeted and open gay voices whom he and his widow acknowledged. All their surviving children have embraced the legitimate passage of the mantel of justice and equality to GLBT persons regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, religious belief or absence of same.
All, that is, but the eldest and only surviving daughter, the Reverend Bernice King, the new president of the SCLC. Unlike her parents and surviving siblings, Ms. King has joined forces with Akinola, Ratzinger, Dobbs, and countless AA conservative clergy who openly oppose marriage equality despite protections for church and conscience objections. These men and some women are right wing theocrats.
These are the spiritual waters that are competing for the souls of the First Family in the White House. In return, President and Mrs. Obama have visited their major sanctuaries as they continue to play the role of "undecided suitors." What is evident is that liberal and progressive AA voices, from the Episcopal National Cathedral to storefront churches, need not apply.
The Manhattan Declaration is nothing but old wine in new bottles.....old heresies voiced in modern terms.....and a marriage of oppositional organisational and theological forces allied against perceived common enemies. Abortionists and Queers is the new "atheistic Communist" and "liberal Christians" are considered apostate.
It is necessary to tell the old Gospel with a renewed and invigorated voice. It is time to advocate truth over deceit. It is time to call " a white sepulchre" the same way that Christ Himself defined them. These white sheets have grown pointed hoods, and now, it seems, it is impossible to discern Klan Kaps from Episcopal Mitres.
Saturday, November 21, 2009

Friday, November 20, 2009


Saturday, November 14, 2009

Deputy Prime Minister Carolyn Power today addressed the Conservative Alliance of International Lambda Supporters , in Wilde Province's Chamber of Commerce. The Tory deputy head of government has received political support from Conservative GLBT groups throughout the world, including conservative leaders in the United States.
Prime Minister Decelles-Smith was in Ottawa, Canada for a meeting with Commonwealth Conservative Party leaders, and was expected to return to Jamestown this evening.
"The role of the Conservative Party of Lambda", stated the DPM, " is to discuss economic and social programmes in the light of full freedom and equality for GLBT citizens. We agree with the Liberal Party of Lambda on all issues that divide us outside this GLBT nation."
In fact, Liberal Leader Sandra Lubrano was in Toklas Province discussing similar issues from the Liberal perspective. Deputy Liberal Leader Pall Heinar Einarrson was also present at that meeting and also addressed the crowd and introduced Ms. Lubrano.
Conservative billionaires enjoy the virtual monopoly they have over the governing philosophy of America. For three decades, and especially since Ronald Reagan, they bought it. They paid billions to create it, and they intend to keep it. They have successfully removed the reactionary libertarian, and the moderate and liberal wings from power, and lately, from office entirely in many regions of the nation. The Party of Abraham Lincoln and Abolition, of the Grand Army of the Republic and Reconstruction has morphed into the resurrection of the Confederate States of America, Jefferson Davis, the Ku Klux Klan, and White male-dominated Theocratic Supremacy.
The MSM, once a privately-owned entity, with its news division as a "non-profit lost leader" in a for profit business, is now fully for profit. This includes the "infotertainment programming" that passes for the "objective journalism" of the past. We can now discern which network is the visual, aural, printed or virtual arm of the Republican National Committee. We can equally discern who is centrist and afraid to appear the least "liberal or progressive" since a pragmatic president , a conservative Democrat, signed the Telecommunications Act of 1996, in order to win re-election. (As a gay man, I would be amiss if I did not add DOMA that year as well, and DADT at the start of his many betrayals to all liberal partisans.)
The irony is that the Corporate Brahmans created the stigma of the "L-Word" (no, the other one), we know by polling that the plurality of Americans would never want to lose all the liberal programmes that define the Democratic Party. Social Security, Medicare, VA Benefits, and yes, Health Care, are all the brain children or aspirations of the iconic presidents.....Franklin D. Roosevelt, Harry S. Truman, John Fitzgerald Kennedy and Lyndon Baines Johnson.....and if the truth be known, by progressive Republicans like Theodore Roosevelt, whose wing of the GOP has died the death of dinosaurs. TR knew the "malefactors of wealth" in the Gilded Age. Their great-grandchildren of these Corporate Titans make them appear to have acted like choir boys.
A gift of William Jefferson Clinton was the loss of "mom and pop" radio stations in the nation. As a result of the Telecommunications Act of 1996, the free airwaves ( not paid satellite radio ) have become a national duopoly owned by right wing billionaires who have inundated the schedule with three hour programmes of the most successful prevaricators ever to open their mouths. Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity.....reactionary college dropout shock jocks .... and Bill O'Reilly, the graduate degreed reactionary exception......have defined and encouraged the many other reactionary pundits who have a voice and a corporeal presence on Fox News.
If the majority of Americans want to retain Social Security, Medicare and VA benefits as government single payer programmes, and wanted a single payer system for Health Care, how have the Corporate Oligarchs pre-empted the process, and have forced pragmatic conservaDems to vote in the largest compulsory Corporate rape ever malevolently conceived by these villains?
The answer is simple. You vote them in, after they have been punked and bought outrightly by the Corporate Brahmans. The "sacred cow" programmes of Social Security and Medicare and VA Benefits are not removed, but rather, deceptively diminished in its effectiveness, and in its costing. These are the greediest individuals ever produced from privileged wombs. They lie about their support of these programmes, while they strip them gradually, and create loopholes that require supplementary products purchased from greedy insurance giants. They betray their own with lies, and the Sheeple actually vote their Wolves into office against their own economic, political and spiritual values.
WE ARE A NATION OF SHEEP, GOVERNED BY WOLVES, AND OWNED BY PIGS. There is no doubt about it. Ask yourself why we are ranked the LOWEST among first world industrialised nations in health care, life expectancy,higher education, infant deaths, and simply QUALITY OF LIFE? . One American expatriate in Michael Moore's SICKO said it best, and worth its repetition " In Europe, (and Canada), the Government is afraid of its PEOPLE, while in the United States, THE SHEEPLE ARE AFRAID OF THEIR GOVERNMENT. and, I might add, with good reasons, since George W. Bush implemented the tools of totalitarianism in the dark of night eight and more years ago, and reinforced since, with the complicity of the two reactionary wings of what passes as "two" political parties.
PART DEUX will focus upon more of these concepts, and specifically how it affects the GLBT community and the true Corporate response as they assuage the Theocratic base of support. Do not confuse the two pieces of the puzzle. The Secular Corporate Oligarchs are not fundamentalist theocrats. Their lives do not reflect this one iota. Like the history of Western Civilisation informs, the Theocratic Piece is a means of societal control. It no longer exists in Europe, either from Rome, Canterbury or Geneva. It exists in the United States with fundamentalist Protestant Christianity, with the open complicity of the Roman Catholic Church. The United States of America is not a closeted theocracy, as previously alluded. It is rather a neo-theocracy, openly defined and wholly complicit within the extreme reactionary Republican Party.
Friday, November 13, 2009

Leader Lubrano's comments follow:
" In all those things which deal with people, be liberal, be human" - Senator Prescott Bush, Connecticut Republican and Episcopalian. Father of President George HW Bush and Grandfather of President George W. Bush. ....quoting President Eisenhower in the Congressional Record...February 18, 1955.
According to national polls, American citizens believe in the separation of church and state. These same polls state clearly that they consider this nation theistic and nevertheless, opposed to theocracy. This having been said, the Roman Catholic Church, the fundamentalist Christian Protestants, and the Mormons have been especially activist in repealing GLBT civil marriage equality and similar rights.
There are basically three different approaches to confronting these Right Wing Religionists. Each approach has both strategy and theological sincerity in both their implementation and outcomes.
The first approach is to admit that religions and faith systems have the right and responsibility to promote their own moral codes, and within legal and cultural constraints, attempt to influence their members to both live their lives according to their precepts, and to assure that their beliefs are not declared either unconstitutional or illegal in the secular domain. Within this approach lies the responsibility of heterodox believers and non-believers to engage these fellow citizens to assure that the theocratic concerns are addressed and avoided.
The second approach is to identify extreme reactionary theocrats who erroneously believe that they alone hold the moral high ground, and that full freedom, including marriage equality will not only earn perdition for the individual "sinner", but will simultaneously undermine the very nature of the Republic.This strategy confirms the fact that the world's major religions oppose marriage equality and other civil rights for GLBT citizens, and that only an exclusive secular and civil response will win the needed legislation enacted to end the separate and unequal "psychosexual apartheid" in the United States.
The religious leaders within the more liberal denominations advocate pleading with these homophobic theistic religions to cease and desist from engaging in secular warfare, and to acknowledge that many civil laws may and in the case of civil divorce, are "mortally sinful" for their communicants to engage in. Nevertheless, our GLBT activist clerics remind and admonish, their Church does not advocate against the American civil laws allowing divorce and remarriage. Neither do their civil servants and judges refuse to grant said divorces and remarriages based upon a theological opposition to those acts.
The third approach is the strategy that I both promote and advocate. Regardless of the fact that the hierarchy of the world's largest Christian denomination opposes my civil rights, I do not cede the moral high ground to them. Despite the fact that most of Eastern Orthodox Christianity agrees with them does not add credence to their contention. Never mind the fact that fundamentalist reactionary and theocratic Kristian Klan white supremacists feel that the United States should terminate their separation of church and state for the avoidance of national perdition, I do not cede the moral high ground to them.
There are liberal glbt and gay-affirming heterosexual Christians in this country, and elsewhere. These progressive and enlightened theological voices read the same scriptural authorities, and administer the same sacraments as those who engage in a "scorched earth" policy to bait and switch their paedophilic scandals. These individuals do not use the Bible as their weapon of choice. They are contextual in their interpretation, and not literal with hypocritical subjectivity.
The third approach says that we must admit that the "holy homophobes" are culturally if not actively the majority religion in the nation. These strange bedfellows are engaged in warfare for bodies. Catholics are leaving their Church for Protestantism in numbers not seen since the Reformation. Fear is the catalyst for the second Inquisition, and this time, theological purity is exacted not against Protestants and Jews, but this time, it is the GLBT person, regardless of belief, and in the civil context where theocracy is officially proscribed, but sadly, subtly expressed nonetheless.
GLBT and our allies know the difference between what the Bible "says" and what the Bible "reads". I am also reminded that neither Anglicanism nor Catholicism was established as the official theistic expression in this Republic. I am reminded that the founding fathers were nominal theists and professed Deists. They were clearly the children of eighteenth century Enlightenment. The fundamentalist revisionism is a new phenomena, probably simultaneously suggested to a nation woefully ignorant of its civic and political history. Ask Jay Leno. He has proven those glaring examples of ignorance for decades.
For years now, I have chronicled the same theological wars successfully fought in eight nations where civil marriage equality is legal and culturally accepted by the majority of its population. In many of these nations, the Roman Catholic Church holds the cultural and observant allegiance of a majority in these populations . Spain, once a Catholic theocracy under Franco, has both pluralism and marriage equality. Canada has a majority Catholic population, as does Belgium. Soon, Portugal will complete marriage equality on the Iberian Peninsula. The Netherlands have a split decision among Catholics and Calvinists. Norway and Sweden have established Lutheran confessions. A majority of South Africans are Anglicans. Yet, the Lutheran Scandanavian Churches embrace GLBT Marriage Equality. The ACC and the United Church of Canada embrace GLBT Marriage Equality.
The name of the Rev. Dr. Brent Hawkes,OC and the Most Rev. Dr. Desmond Tutu loom large over the decisions to legislate civil law over the malevolence of the Roman Catholic Church in those nations. Will the United States find such a person to emulate the witness of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.? Do I not remind my readers that the AA Civil Rights successes were not won under the secular but the spiritual umbrella? When has history ever informed us that a subjective secular political issue trumped a moral imperative, even if the "moralists" are disingenuous and derisive of Christian love and compassion?
Those are the choices. Those are the strategies. There are spiritual leaders whom I both love and admire who advocate differently than I do. There are those among them who allow GAY INC to write the script. They advocate gradualism, incrementalism, and compromise to the point of capitulation. This includes gay and lesbian men and women elected to Congress, and appointed to serve in the Obama Administration.
The Dominion of Lambda stands as a beacon of freedom and equality for all GLBT persons and the families, immediate and extended, who love them. We hope and sincerely pray that the United States of America soon join those civilised nations who provide equal justice under law for all its citizens, and resists the apartheid that the Union of South Africa rejected, and four years ago, provided its GLBT citizens with full justice and equality as well.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009

The Governor General's remarks follow:
The establishment of the Jewish State (JUDENSTAAT) did not imply that all Jews would eventually emigrate to their homeland. Assuredly, implicit dual citizenship was noted. Worldwide able bodied men and women, and even those less able, came to the defence of Israel in its initial formation in 1948, and in the subsequent wars of survival in the last six decades. Zionism had a socialistic component in the kibbutz, where everyone came together with their skills and talents to contribute to the commonweal.
They came for religious freedom and for secular self-governance. They came to create the Jewish state, but did so with the promise and reality of religious and secular freedom for those who did not share their religion, or practice it with the fervency of the orthodox observant person.
It is time to ask if the blueprint for the GLBT state is not upon us. The creation of the Dominion of Lambda is such an exercise in virtual expression of the need for such a nation state. Like Israel, it would not become the home for all GLBT persons, families and supportive friends and extended families, but rather a homeland where all would have citizenship when their native land would persecute them unto death or provide them with inferior rights and privileges.
Like the model state described herein, the world knows that there are now eight and almost nine countries who have full marriage equality while a dozen more provide separate but equal rights to marriage. There are nations who murder us legally and nations who refuse to provide a modicum of rights and remove them with prejudice. However if you seek to survive in the latter nations, you do so at the peril of life and limb, and you need the safety of our own nation state.
Echoing the words of Moses to Pharoah, it is time to say loudly and firmly. We must speak as a world community from all parts of the five continents......PHAROAH (S) .......LET MY PEOPLE GO.... GIVE US OUR OWN HOMELAND .
Wednesday, November 4, 2009