In the aftermath of a worldwide persecution of GLBT Lambda family in diaspora, the Primate of the Lambda National Catholic Church, and the Catholic Apostolic Diocese in union with it, has issued a call for cultural and observant Roman Catholics to self excommunicate themselves formally from the Vatican jurisdiction.
The Lambda National Catholic Church is autocephalous or independent gay and gay-affirming jurisdiction separate from the Roman Catholic Church. The Roman Catholic does not recognise the LNCC or the CAD regardless of its Catholic faith and practice and valid Holy Orders. Lambda National Catholics, many of whom were Roman Catholics at one time, could not incardinate formally into their new Church.
The Most Reverend Norbert Breault, DD, LLD, the Archbishop of Jamestown and Primate of the Lambda National Catholic Church has invited all former "cultural" Catholics who oppose the Papal proscription and persecution of GLBT persons nationwide to consider the following formal step and to proceed accordingly:
1) Identify the parish church and the particular diocese in which you were baptised or received into the Roman Catholic Church, and which diocesan bishop confirmed you.
2) Send a letter of self excommunication to the Roman Catholic parish where your baptismal records are kept for posterity. You are considered a Catholic, albeit "lapsed", until you formally excommunicate yourself. It is then that the hypocrisy of their numbers comes to light.
3) Send a copy of the letter to the Roman Catholic archdiocese or diocese where the parish is located. If you attended more than one parish in more than one archdiocese or diocese, send them a letter as well.
4) Notify GLBT and other media in order to count the number of cultural and now former Roman Catholics who have formally left the organisation. If you are still sacramentally observant, write to the LNCC for the names and numbers of gay affirming Catholic jurisdictions in your area.
Dear Most Reverend or Reverend Sirs,
My name is ................................... . I am the son of ................................. I was born on (date) in .........(city, county, state) and canonically resident within the (Arch) diocese of .,.................. and the parish church of ..........(name of parish.)
As a gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender person, I hold the Roman Catholic Church in contempt for its theocratic agenda in denying me, my spouse and my children my civil rights. It is not necessary to recount my utter disgust at the paedophilic scandals that have identified your Church, nor your determination to scapegoat us in the process. I feel saddened by the fact that hard-earned dollars from sincere Roman Catholic parishioners has been used to advance the agenda in Maine and elsewhere.
It is hoped that you have won a Pyrhhic victory, for the United States Constitution assures me equal rights under law. In attempting to obtain these secular and civil rights, I do not want my former association with your Church to be implied due to the lack of formal rupture.
Therefore, I personally and formally excommunicate myself from the Roman Catholic Church (excommunicatio pro se). Many of us are Christians, and have not experienced such spiritual violence as to lose faith in Christ and His Church, and have found Catholicism outside Rome that affirms our place within His Mystical Body. Others, however, have harboured such hurt and pain that they remain forever outside any belief or organisation that professes a theistic faith.
Yours sincerely,
(Your name)
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