Prime Minister Raymond S. Decelles-Smith today asked Deputy Prime Minister Carolyn Power to accept the Ministry of Environmental Protection portfolio and represent the Dominion of Lambda with UN and international efforts to protect the global environment.
" As an honourably discharged Vietnam era veteran, I have seen the ravages of war on both soldiers and civilians, and what chemical defoliants have done to the world environment. The loss of jungles in Southeast Asia, South America, and in subsaharan Africa have managed in a few brief decades to melt the Polar Ice Caps and remove snow-peaks from the world's highest mountain tops. More than weapons of mass destruction, the carbon emissions from every human being, and from an increasingly industrialised world, are reasons for both action and concern. "
The Toklas Province Conservative MP was elected deputy Tory leader, and upon forming the government was named deputy prime minister. This additional ministerial portfolio was gratefully accepted by her as she brings her strong passion for this internationally important issue, as well as in Lambda itself.
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