Prime Minister Decelles-Smith's office released several important topics for the House of Commons to consider in the next few weeks.
The topics leaked in this memo suggested that the progressive Tories would introduce the single payer health care programme in the first session.
Liberal Leader Sandra Lubrano, of Toklas Province indicated her general support of the proposed Tory measure, but suggested that it did not fully address the needs of the potential GLBT immigrants throughout the world streaming into Lambda.
The memo suggested that the Environmental Protection provisions, headed by Deputy Prime Minister Carolyn Power, of Toklas Province will be uppermost in the government's programmes. Shadowing for the Opposition is Liberal Deputy Leader Pall Heinar Einarrson, of Wilde Province who has focused intently on polar ice cap melting. Mr. Einarrson, of Wilde Province is a dual national of Iceland (Island).
Provincial legislative elections are also part of serious legislation before the House next week. There is the provision, set forth by the government, to create a bicameral legislature, to mirror the federal, which will be a closed vote of the House. Liberal Leader of the Opposition Sandra Lubrano has made no secret of her preference for a unicameral provincial legislature with an appointed body led by the lieutenant governor of the province who functions under the Governor General. She has often indicated that a Liberal government, if elected, would push for these and other reforms.
Other provisions are laws supporting family issues for both opposite and same-sex couples in the nation. The Tories are committed to creating a climate of co-operation between the two populations who are often related to one another. Many opposite-sex couples and heterosexual singles are either children or friends and family of pioneer GLBT citizens of the nation. The speech will centre around issues of adoption and surrogacy provisions that have international implications.
"This Government has been charged with the initial formation of the infrastructure.....economic, political and spiritual of the Dominion of Lambda......with a strong constitutional separation of church and state, we nevertheless are charged to create a climate of security and stability for all our citizens", stated the prime minister at his weekly press conference, and will translate into Question Time during the House of Commons sessions next week.
Question Time is every Wednesday, and is the time when the Prime Minister fields questions from Members of both the Government (Conservative) party and Members Opposite (Liberal), most especially by the Liberal Leader of the Opposition, Ms. Sandra Lubrano. On Thursday, it is the turn of Ministers with Portfolios and questions especially from the Shadow Ministers Opposite.
Sources close to the Prime Minister suggest that more leaked information might be forthcoming before the Monday opening of Parliament.
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